Monday, October 12, 2015

Can an Old Dog Learn New Tricks??

Happy Monday Bowers Bunch!! 

I am trying out some new things on the class webpage.  Please be patient with me as this "old dog" tries to learn some new tricks!

I would love some feedback positive or not.  I need to know what is working for you guys out there.  I have added a link for flash cards in case you need extra ones at home.  Be sure to click the link at the bottom of the home page and then open them at the bottom of the next page. There you can print the first set of sight words we have covered.
 I am trying to make things as user friendly as I can, but as I said, I am still just learning.
I am a true believer that a person should be a life long learner and there is always something out there to be learned.  I hope to post things you find helpful in this journey we call kindergarten.  We are in this together and so far it has been a wonderful ride. I look forward to hearing from you.

Link under construction.

Link under construction.
Our class code: LLJK8

Our Library Project

Our Library Project
You can help! Click picture for details