Thursday, September 28, 2017

Treasure Box Family Project Part 2

We have some more great treasure boxes to share with you. Students were so proud to show off their projects. Once again, students worked on speaking and listening skills. They also practice giving and receiving compliments. Thank you to all the families and family members who helped with their student's box. We can't wait to fill our boxes up with books that we are able to read. Check back for some more great projects in the coming months.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Books Are a Treasure!
The First of our Treasure Boxes came in Friday! Ya'll are doing a great job!  I went ahead and let the ones that brought boxes Friday share.  If you and your child have not made the Treasure Box yet, there is still time! Show-N-Tell is this this Friday, too!
Remember this box will be used AT HOME as a safe place to keep all the "red readers" and student made books your child will make this year. By this end of the year, the treasure box will be full of book, just perfect for practicing those sight words.  I can't wait to see more of your projects this Friday, September 15th!

Everyone did a great job!

Link under construction.

Link under construction.
Our class code: LLJK8

Our Library Project

Our Library Project
You can help! Click picture for details