Saturday, September 10, 2016

Our first Family Fun Project of the year was a big success! Everyone did an awesome job on their treasure boxes! We have a few friends that will bring their boxes this next week. We look forward to seeing those too. Please find a spot at home to keep your child's "Treasure Box". We will be making books throughout the year to bring home and read to you. It will be good practice to "revisit" these books often because they will be full of our sight words that we are learning for first grade. We are learning that to be good at most things, it takes practice. Reading is one of those things. Please allow your child to "read" something to you every night. Praise these first attempts at reading and above all else be positive and build confidence.
Students worked on listening and speaking skills. They introduced themselves to the class and shared who helped them at home. Students practiced giving compliments and what to say in return. This exercise in public speaking will grow as the year progresses. Everyone did a great job presenting and listening!

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Our class code: LLJK8

Our Library Project

Our Library Project
You can help! Click picture for details