Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Still more...

Check out over 100 ideas for organizing your 




New Find!!

First Class Teacher
Well, I have found another treasure! If you are into organizing your classroom this year, check out this one. I just love, love, love IT!!!!!
That's all for now cause I'm going back to read more at "First Class Teacher"!
Oh and I have started grouping all my organizing blogs together.  Check them all out for great tips!

Another day to count as Blessed..

I can not figure out what in the world is wrong with the fonts on my last post.  I have out several feelers to see how to download fonts to my blog. I have them on my computer, but not where I compose this wonder jibberish!  And my computer has a bug of some kind.  I have never been a fast typist, but all of a sudden, I can out type the letters as they appear on the screen.  Then they get all mixed up and the spaces are in the wrong places.  It looks like I need on of those "spacemen" I teach my kiddos to use when they are writing in their journals. 
   In case you could not read the first part of my last post, I thanked The Measured Mom for my free 8x10 canvas I won on her latest contest! Yay! You can see the picture I submitted of my (now much bigger) son Josh. But I love that picture because he was so serious and into that game.

I have been getting things ready for my units at school.  OUT WITH THE OLD... you know the rest. Thanks to a whole ton of freebies (and some not so free) made by wonderful and more learned bloggers than myself.  Every time I find a new freebie I get excited.  I think I'm a little addicted actually! How do they find the time? I am just so happy about all the new things I have bought, downloaded, printed, laminated, and cut out..... Since I don't know anyone else who blogs I am going to have to cast a wider net.  I may look for blogging for dumbies. bwhahah Do you think there is such a thing? I think I must look.. Check out the new blog I found today.

A Teeny Tiny Teacher

She sounds like a hoot and I enjoyed reading her stuff.  She of course has some freebies too. Check back from time to time.  I learn new things all the time. (Still can't link my button back to my blog! Heeeeelllp Me!!!) And if anyone knows how to download created material I am tired of searching you tube and google. First things first though. I think my computer has a date with the Geek squad at Best Buy!  My "guys" there will fix her right up!  

Oh, and I have another donor on my library grant! Have you thought about helping our class? Click the picture of the children reading at the top right and go to that link.  I would love to see that green bar move again!. 


Saturday, July 20, 2013

What a Cool Day!

Easy Canvas Prints™ reviews
First, thanks to Olivia over at 
  The Measured Mom for my free 8x10 canvas from easy canvas prints!!
I downloaded a picture of my awesome son Josh taken during a baseball game. It's going to look soooo cool!

Then, I had another donation on my library grant! Woop Woop! (Click the little picture up on the right of this blog and you can give too!)
Also, if you have never seen the little plush animals from Kohl's that go along with books, you should check it out! 

I got some Curious George books (hard back) for $5.00 each! George is only $5.00 too! He is sooooo cute!! Trust me if you don't get them now, you will regret it! Oh, and I got the moose for If You Give A Moose A Muffin! 

Have a wonderful glorious night. May you look for blessings in the smallest of things and count them as such.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Great for getting to know your campus!

Who doesn’t love Pete the Cat?

Well, here is a great activity to go with it!
Click the link below to go to my new favorite blog for a Pet the Cat FREEBIE!

Link under construction.

Link under construction.
Our class code: LLJK8

Our Library Project

Our Library Project
You can help! Click picture for details